Get Real-Time Exact Match Leads For Your Business

Unlock the power of precise lead generation with Precision Lead Finder - Our innovative platform uses advanced data analytics to connect you with potential customers in specific locations and industries.

Get Real-Time Exact Match Leads for Your Business Target Get Real-Time Exact Match Leads for Your Business People

What is Precision Lead Finder?

Boost your online presence and connect with customers through our innovative tool, using exact match keywords, location targeting, and customizable lookback windows.

Target specific geographic areas and search terms
Target specific geographic areas and search terms

Achieve superior conversion rates with our efficient and effective platform - just provide 3 things: keywords, location, and lookback window.

Tailored for high conversion rates
Tailored for high
conversion rates

Get ahead of the competition with our advanced data analytics, targeting specific locations and search terms for precise lead generation.

Precise geographic and keyword targeting
Precise geographic and keyword targeting

Maximize your marketing efforts with our efficient platform - simply input keywords, location, and lookback window to reach the right audience.

How do I get started?


Fill out the form. Give us your list of exact match keywords, the location, and the lookback window.


Pay for the one-time $1500 keyword initiation fee.


In 7-10 days, your lead list will be ready.


You can choose to purchase as many or as few leads and even setup a daily lead schedule.

Are these leads real,reliable, & compliant?

Are these leads real
reliable & compliant?

The leads follows strict CCPA and PII guidelines. All of the leads we provide are in accordance with the CAN-SPAM Act. All leads delivered are verified as opt-in.

Every opt-in email is tagged with a date and URL of when and where the subscriber has opted in. All records delivered give the advertiser full usage rights to solicit these individuals through any type of marketing campaign.

Check Our FAQ

Case Study: Retail Tile Store/Competitive Conquest

Client: Large Regional Tile Client in Northeast USA with multiple retail locations

Target Audience: Homeowners age 35-65+, within 10-mile radius of retail locations

Objective: Drive Competitive Engagement — Attract potential customers actively considering purchases by enhancing visibility and appeal when they search for related terms such as "tile store near me" or specific competitor brand names.

KPI: Store Visitors


  • Run targeted media campaign utilizing Programmatic TV
  • Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Paramount, Peacock, YoutubeTV, ESPN and many more
  • Retarget lower funnel with Display
  • Social Media Paid Amplfication

Before Precision Lead Finder

Launched: January 1st 2023

Campaign Duration: 12 Months

Spend: $350,000

Store Visits: 4,920

Strategy: Launch targeted advertising campaigns aimed at these prospective customers.

Cost per Store Visit: $71

After Precision Lead Finder

Launched: March 1st 2024

Campaign Duration: 1 Month

Spend: $28,000

The client has acquired 12,000 lead contacts and the campaign remains active. Due to the early succes, client wants to expand by adding an additional 6,000 leads per month.

Store Visits: 4,796

Strategy: Upload the Precision Lead Finder contact list as a first-party data set to digital platforms, then launch targeted advertising campaigns aimed at these prospective customers.

Cost per Store Visit: $5.84

Projections: 2024 Metrics Projected with exact same campaign with Precision Lead Finder. Estimating at least a 140% drop in cost/visit. Estimating ~$50 cost per store visit with close to 6900 visitors for the year 2024

  • Programmatic Digital Campaign: 785K Impressions Served (in March) → 4,796 Store Visitors
  • YouTubeTV Campaign: 8K TV Commercials Served (in March) → delivery ramping up across TV Devices/Screens
  • Social Media Amplification: 72K Impressions Served (in March) → 28K Page Engagements
Week Store Visits (Foot Traffic)
3/3/24 946
3/10/24 895
3/17/24 890
3/24/24 987
3/31/24 1,078
  • Media Spend to Date: $10,000
  • Impressions: 865,168
  • 4920 Confirmed Store Visitors in 2023
  • 4796 Confirmed Store Visitors with Precision Lead Finder (In One Month)
  • 97.47% of Last year's total results were reached in just ONE MONTH
  • Media Budget decrease of 66% for results
  • Cost per store visit decrease from $71 to $5.84

*This campaign is still ongoing and this case study will be updated with future results.

Discover the Power
of Real-time Leads

Get started and have daily leads delivered to your inbox.

Frequently Asked Questions

Precision Lead Finder follows strict CCPA and PII guidelines. All of the leads we provide are in accordance with the CAN-SPAM Act. All leads delivered are verified as opt-in.

Every opt-in email is tagged with a date and URL of when and where the subscriber has opted in. All records delivered give the advertiser full usage rights to solicit these individuals through any type of marketing campaign.

The leads can be used in a variety of ways. This includes custom audience builds on Meta platforms including Facebook and Instagram, Display Advertising, Video Advertising, OTT, Post Card Mailings and Email Marketing.

Each Lead will include a First and Last Name, Physical Home Address, and Email Address.

Yes. Due to HIPPA PRIVACY LAWS, we cannot match any medical-related leads for customers in the medical field.

The first time a campaign is set up with a new set of keywords, Leads can take 5-14 days to generate depending on the complexity of the keywords. Once the campaign's keywords have been set up, leads can be pulled as often as requested and take less than 48 hours to be delivered.

We recommend a minimum of 10 Keywords and a Maximum of 50 per campaign. This is typically the sweet spot in generating the right number of leads.

See What Our Satisfied
Clients are Saying

As a small business owner in the tech industry, finding high-quality leads has always been a challenge. Precision Lead Finder has completely transformed our marketing strategy. The ability to target potential customers in specific locations and industries with such accuracy has resulted in a significant increase in our conversion rates. It's like they've unlocked a whole new level of potential for our business. I couldn't be more thrilled with the results!

I was skeptical at first, wondering how Precision Lead Finder could offer something different from the other lead generation tools out there. But after just one month of using their platform, I was amazed. The real-time, exact match leads have not only saved us countless hours of sifting through irrelevant contacts but have also dramatically improved our sales team's efficiency. Their advanced data analytics really sets them apart. Highly recommend to any business looking to streamline their lead generation process!

Precision Lead Finder has been a game-changer for our marketing agency. The platform's innovative use of data analytics to provide exact match leads has allowed us to tailor our campaigns with unprecedented precision. We've seen a noticeable improvement in client satisfaction and campaign performance. It's rare to find a tool that delivers on its promises so consistently, but Precision Lead Finder does just that. It's an invaluable asset for businesses serious about leveraging real-time data for targeted marketing.

Using Precision Lead Finder has been an absolute revelation for our e-commerce business. The platform's ability to zero in on potential customers by location and industry has allowed us to personalize our outreach like never before. The quality of leads we've received is unparalleled, leading to a noticeable uptick in both engagement and sales. What impressed me most was how intuitive and user-friendly the platform is, making it easy to integrate into our existing sales process. Precision Lead Finder has not only met but exceeded our expectations, proving itself to be a crucial part of our growth strategy.

Targeted lead generation made easy with Precision Lead Finder

Targeted Lead Generation
Made Easy With Precision Lead Finder